
The goal of this milestone was to intelligently navigate the maze using an algorithm such that we could maximize spaces reached.

Implementing DFS

We chose DFS (depth first search) as our navigation algorithm, because this seemed to be the simplest to implement and we did not have a high collective knowledge of algorithms prior to the class. Depth First Search goes as far as it can down one side of a tree, in this case as far as we can go in one direction without looping to a node we've already visited or hitting a wall, and then returns to the last node that was split from and goes down the next branch as far as it can again. While this is not the most efficient, we've proven we can navigate several large mazes this way.


Several data structures had to be implemented to run this algorithm. We first had to establish a 9x9 (the size of the final maze) matrix for keeping track of which squares had already been visited, such that we wouldn't repeat visits to the same square. We also implemented a stack using the library StackArray. This was so that we could add possible new squares as we traveled, and pop them off the stack one by one as we had to decide which direction to travel in.
      //example for North facing; same applies for all other directions
      if      (dir_facing == North) {
        left_space[0]  = dataArray[0]-1;
        left_space[1]  = dataArray[1];
        right_space[0] = dataArray[0]+1;
        right_space[1] = dataArray[1]; 
        front_space[0] = dataArray[0];
        front_space[1] = dataArray[1]-1;
      //example for left wall; same applies to front and right spaces.
     if (!leftw())  {
       if (totalSquares[left_space[0]-1][left_space[1]-1] == 0) {
        //Serial.println("can go left");
        visitStack.push (left_space[1]);
        visitStack.push (left_space[0]);
Next, we had to choose how to deal with that stack. At each intersection, Gary checks which walls next to him have no walls blocking movement, and if those squares have not yet been visited, they are pushed to the stack of possible squares to travel to. When Gary has to decide where to move, he pops the most recent square off the stack, and travels in that direction.

This is very straight forward for squares right next to Gary: he simply has to remember which direction he is facing and what square he is in, determine which direction the next square is in, and turn towards that square. For further away squares, we had to implement back tracking. To accomplish this, we kept a stack of every square visited, and turned towards the last square as they were popped off the stack. Squares were only added to the history stack when we were not already backtracking.

    int nextSquare[2] = {visitStack.pop(), visitStack.pop()}; //first choice is to move somewhere new
    //get deltas for direction to move in
    int deltaX = dataArray[0] - nextSquare[0];
    int deltaY = dataArray[1] - nextSquare[1];
    //check if the square is next door, and has been visited 
    if (((abs(deltaX) + abs(deltaY)) != 1) || (totalSquares[nextSquare[0]-1] [nextSquare[1]-1] == 1)) {
      nextSquare[0] = history.pop(); //pop off history stack 
      nextSquare[1] = history.pop();
    else {
      //adding to the history so we can back track easily 
      history.push (dataArray[1]);
      history.push (dataArray[0]);

Once we have the deltaX/deltaY as shown above, we can choose which direction to move in based on the direction we're facing.

        //example of a time we would turn left; similar logic for going straight or turning right
      else if ((dir_facing == North && deltaX == 1) || 
               (dir_facing == East  && deltaY == 1) || 
               (dir_facing == South && deltaX == -1) ||
               (dir_facing == West  && deltaY == -1)) {

Below are 2 short videos showing Gary moving around some different mazes!

Below is a video of Gary updating a 9x9 grid GUI.