
The objective of this lab was to use a camera hooked up to an FPGA to read in data from the camera and display it on a screen, eventually analyzing the image for both color and shape to detect targets during competition

Materials Used

Sub Teams

Arduino/Camera Team



Getting the Cameras Operational

The first thing we did was get the Arduinos programmed to write registers to the camera. To do this we read through the camera datasheet and found the right registers to set the data structure (RGB444), resolution (176x144), camera noise, using an external clock, pixel format and more. We had difficulty with getting the right results from our camera and the problem proofed to be from the registers we had set using outdated data sheet. Eventually, we were able to get the correct registers and a snippet of our code is shown below.

      	Serial.println("Writing registers");
    	Serial.println (OV7670_write_register(0x12, 0x80)); //COM7: Reset registers, enable color bar, resolution and pixel format 
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x12, 0x0E)); //COM7: Reset registers, enable color bar, resolution and pixel format 
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x0C, 0x08)); //COM3: Enable scaling
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x14, 0x0B)); //COM9: To make the image less noisy
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x11, 0xC0)); //CLKRC: Use external clock directly 
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x40, 0xD0)); //COM15: pixel format
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x42, 0x08)); //COM17: DSP color bar enable (0x42, 0x08)
   	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x1E, 0x30)); //MVFP: Vertically flip image enable
    	Serial.println(OV7670_write_register(0x8C, 0x02)); //enable RGB444

Getting Data from the Camera

To run the Arduino program, we needed to protect the camera. We had to disable the internal pull-up resistors that are a part of the Arduino’s I2C interface. This is because they pull the signals that set up our camera to 5V, while our camera requires 3.3V. Sending 5V through will harm the camera. We did this by locating the twi.c file at C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\Wire\src\utility. Then we commented out the following lines of code:

       //activate internal pullups for twi

We read the camera data and the picture below shows the output. Comparing the output to the written values into the registers, we confirmed that our camera was working correctly and is ready to send data into the DE0-Nano FPGA.
Camera register output

Fig.1: Camera Register Output

Programming the FPGA to Read Camera Data

Writing to M9K blocks

We tested our M9K block code which communicated with our VGA driver to output the colors which will be received from the camera. We wrote a few hard coded colors to be displayed on the monitor. The following example shows how it is done

	    if(VGA_PIXEL_X>44 &&VGA_PIXEL_X<=66 &&VGA_PIXEL_Y<(`SCREEN_HEIGHT-1))begin
		pixel_data_RGB332 = 8'b11111100;  //set color
		W_EN = 1'b1;   //write enable
Below is an image of the color pattern we sent to the M9K block for display.
color pattern

Fig.2: Color pattern output


Our camera outputs a data structure of RGB444 in 16 bits. We however need only 8 bits out of the 16 bits in order to save on memory. The Downsampling code collects all the data from the camera and selects only the most important bits necessary to display the colors we need. The OV7670 Camera can only output 8 bits of a pixel at a time through D7 - D0 (output connections). Using the camera clock cycle (see fig.3), we sampled down the output into RGB332.

Camera clock cycle

Fig.3: Clock cycle from the OV7670 Datasheet.This shows how the output from the clock is received based on time cycle

Below is a snippet of our downsampler code.
      //This set of codes receive camera data in RGB444 and downsamples it into RGB 332 by taking the important bits
      if (CAM_HREF_NEG) begin   //href clock is high
      	if (newByte == 1'b0) begin
				temp[7:0] = data;
				W_EN      = 1'b0;
				X_ADDR    = X_ADDR;
				newByte   = 1'b1;
				pixel_data_RGB332[4:0] = {data[7:5], data[3:2]};//get values for blue and green
			else begin
				pixel_data_RGB332[7:5] = {data[3:1]};// get value for red
				X_ADDR = X_ADDR + 10'b1;
				W_EN = 1'b1;
				newByte = 1'b0;
The code above even so simple did not work on the first try. To check the correctness of the downsampling, we had to do a color bar test, which at first did not go as planned. A compilation of our outcomes has been included in the video below. From that, it can be seen that we are close to obtaining all the bars except for the two last bars which were expected to be maroon and black.

Reading Pixels

In order to know what color our camera is seeing without using the VGA driver to output to screen, we need to read the pixels that come from the camera. We did so by implementing another code in our downsamplier to make the colors vivid. below is a diagram showing the logic behind the implementation. We used threshold values to make sure that our colors are truly present.

Color vivid

Fig.4: Making our colors look right

We do not care about green as shown in the diagram because there will not be any green treasures during the competition. Here is the result:

We wanted to read back to the Arduino data from the FPGA about the image such that the robot could report targets to the GUI during competition. Therefore, we (did stuff on FPGA to analyze images) and sent that data in parallel back to the Arduino
When the Arduino recieves this data, it analyzed the information about whether or not there was a treasure, what color it is, and the shape it is (out of 7 possible combinations) and eventually in milestone 4 we intend to include this in our search path and incorporate it into the information we send to the GUI.